Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Now is the Time.

As a young family; my wife, my two daughters and I made our annual pilgrimage to Walt Disney World in Kissimmee. I mention this only because I think of the old Carousel of Progress theme song every time I contemplate the proposition that "Now is the Time". I remember the old parrot singing "Now is the time, now is the best time". As unorthodox as it may seem in a political environment, I'd like for you to consider that attraction, and that song, as we work together to create conservative Republican majorities in Washington D.C. and build a stronger coalition in Tallahassee.

At a recent District Charmian's' meeting I heard the proposition several times that "2009 is the year to think about the mid-term elections, and that 2010 was the year to galvanize". I respectfully disagree. I'm of the opinion that this is the yer to galvanize if we are to take back our congress, preserve our freedoms, and rescue our nation!

Conservative Americans lost the last Presidential election by a mere 6% of the vote. Hardly a landslide victory for Democrats. That fact is now illustrated by the excessively poor approval ratings of the Democrats in all levels of government. Many of that 6% have repudiated their vote and turned to the Republican Party with hat in hand, and are literally begging us to fix the mess they helped create.

We understand the dynamics of the last election, we understand why these independents and conservative Democrats voted as they did. There is no animosity, there is no venom in our collective hearts: we understand. As the father of the Prodigal Son of old, we run to them, pull them to our bosoms, and cry "welcome home child, welcome home!"

I. As evidence that this is the paradigm in America today, let me ask you to consider:

a. The polls are in our favor
i. 2/3 of Independents now favor the Republican Party.
ii. 1/4 of Democrats now favor our party.
iii. A clear majority of Americans now believe that the President and Democrat Congress have no idea what they're doing.
iv. An even bigger percentage of Americans believe they understand fiscal principles better than their Democrat representatives.
v. Republicans now out-poll Democrats in 9 of the top 10 most important issues in America today. What is the 1? The issue of trust.

It is reasonable to conclude that Americans realize that Republicans, at least verbally; represent their perspectives and opinions. They are once again willing to take a chance on us. Not because we are so alluring, but because they really have no place else to go.

b. Consider the fact that the Republicans are receiving the credit for the Tea Parties. Even though we all understand that the tea party movement represents every dynamic in America today- save the the liberal social element. So many people who admit their Democrat Party has failed them; and are crediting the GOP with those parties' successes.

Americans, one and all: focused on a desire for a smaller government. Patriots who are extremely irritated by the arrogance of those whom they voted to represent them. Those who are, hopefully; developing a politically-fatal case of "Potomac Fever".

c. Conservative Polling result from every state. Including: Massachusetts, California, and even Hawaii.

Americans are now experiencing the difference between conservative policies and liberal policies; and they have the sense to know it!

Also Consider:

d. The Town Hall Meetings. The numerous participants who included in their stated concerns "and I'm a registered Democrat".
The fact that these people are now being targeted by their own party's' thugs: the assaulting of the elderly, the racial insults and attacks on life-long Democrats are horrific. Add to that the insults coming from their party's' leadership, (and the media, by the way!): all illustrate that their Party has fallen off of it's collective rocker,

These are the facts that conclude "Now is the Time".

II. The Time is Right
This is the time for Republicans to step into the picture and proclaim "yes! we understand, we know how to fix this. And yes again: we want to represent you- not the vitriolic America haters who have consumed your Democrat Party!

a. Timing is everything.
Some would say "great, the situation is rosy, the trends are pointing in our favor. We can assume great progress in 2010 and thereafter. I disagree.

When influencing people it is always better to do so when they are ready to sign on the dotted line. Salesmen know they have to convince prospects before they buy. Mentors, counselors, social workers and teachers all understand the principle of creating interest and buy-in to gain desired reaction from their students; and that timing is an important element when doing so.

This is the time: right now! While we have the attention of the American people. Americans are looking to us to save this nation from the vileness of mediocrity- and the mortality that neo-socialism will bring to this great nation. The time is right: right now because:

i. Passions are high
Conservatives, Moderates and Libertarians, all agree that this Congress and administration is slouching towards the goal of creating one giant nipple to coddle and subdue the masses; and can reasonably be classified as an "enemy domestic".
ii. Liberals aren't stupid- even if their policies are.
They understand that they must shift drastically rightward next year: they have a history of doing so. They understand that failing to do that will cause them great losses in the 2010 mid-term elections. They've even voted for, and passed a stimulus bill that will ostensibly become their campaign cash for next year.

We cannot make the same mistake we made after Bill Clinton was elected: we cannot assume liberals will self-destruct. While they can reasonably be classified as "anal cavities" they cannot be classified as "stupid". The time is right because:

iii. Republicans are being greeted as rock stars and saviors on the front steps of conservative Americans. REMEMBER: the polls tell us that CONSERVATISM is the paradigm of choice in America today.

Within weeks of Obama's inauguration, people began to long for an answer to the liberal lunacy: and they settled on putting their hope in the Republican Party.

b. Because we bring comfort to a distressed electorate.
Americans are heart sick, they're frightened, and yes they're mad as "you know where" and they don't want to take anymore. We can be the answer to their prayers- but we must act now. Before fear turns to apathy, and apathy turns to resignation!

In 1989 my grandmother became ill with cancer. She had my father, step mom, and friends around her constantly. But I still got a call saying she kept asking if I was coming down. So I took a few days off of work and drove down to Sumpter County. I found her to be alarmingly melancholy, and step mom said she layed in a dark room most of the day. I tapped on the door and asked "Nana, are you awake?" She opened her eyes, and asked "where you been boy?". I explained that I'd been making arrangements to come down. She said she understood, she sat up, hugged my neck, and asked what I was doing "up there in Jacksonville".

That night she came to the table and ate supper with us. Afterwords we sat on the back porch and said a whole lot of nothing: but it was all very important to her.

This is the same reception Republicans are receiving as they knock on conservative doors in this city. This is a work of compassion towards fellow Americans. This is the work that will make a difference IF we visit them this year, an "off-year", when no one wants anything. But we must do this work now: before fear turns to apathy and apathy turns to resignation.

III. How do we accomplish this?
a. Visit Republicans now, this year, this week, tomorrow after work.
Next year will change the dynamic of the visit. It'll be an election year and politicians always want something. This is the year to build the friendships, the relationships- when one American is relating to another. You're just a neighbor visiting another.
b. Look for opportunities to represent the GOP
i. Make casual comments about the headlines while standing in line.
ii. Wear casual clothing delineating you as a proud Republican.
iii. Wear you volunteer lanyard when visiting garage sales and flea markets. Posture as if you've been about your party business and you happened to stop by. People will engage you in conversation!
iv. Always accent the party's positives. Address the negatives if you must, but always return to the positives.
v. Develop a sense of urgency. It the biggest difference between what we can do, and what the liberals are doing. Remember the parrot: "Now is the time, now is the best time. . ."

Mr Chairman:
My facts are accurate, my assertions are reasonable; and they conclude that NOW is the best time to be about our nations business. Now is the time.

this speech was given without the assistance of a teleprompter

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