Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Politics by the Numbers

Jim's thoughts:Some interesting numbers: 84% of Americans feel the economy is the most important issue of the day.73% expect Govenrment spending to increase (whats wrong with the 27% ? Obviously they are either ignorant or answering poll questions in a way to drive the Administrations numbers up artificially).

52% say increased spending hurts the economy. Only 29% trust the administration with the economic crisis. However, 78% see government ethics as an important issue and Dems lead the Reps by 3% on this issue 31-34. In my opinion, this means the GOP has the American's interest: but they haven't closed the deal. If the GOP can gain this issue, hopfully by picking up seats in the mid-term and governing well: then there is a strong chance of turning this administration out in 2012- in spite of the encumbancy advantage.

The top ten issues on the minds of Americans:
1. National Security GOP favored 47% - 43%
2. War in Iraq this is and even split @ 42% each. (I find it encouraging even with this new found confidence in the administration, that the country still trust the GOP by a substantial margin)
3. Health Care GOP favored by 3% 44% - 41%
4. Economy Gop favored by 6% 46% -40% (I think as we get closer to mid terms the GOP needs to garner more support on this subject. As they do, they will bypass some of the advantage the Dems will have by spending stimulous money to buy those elections).
5. Social Security the GOP is favored by 4% 39% - 43% ( I think Americans remember the GOP trying to fix this and the Dems saying "everything is fine". This also explains why the GOP has picked up more support from the Senios citizens demographic).
6. Education GOP favored by 3% 41% - 38% (While this isn't a large spread, I think it's the first time I've seen the GOP have the advantage on this issue. This is an indication that the nation has chosen to shift to the right in it's political views).
7. Abortion GOP favored by 10% 46% - 36% (many thoughts on this- I'll save for a different time). As a Pro-Life supporter, I'm obviously encouraged by this number.
8. Taxes GOP favored by 16% 51%-35% This has always been our signature issue. I'd like to see this rise to 55-60% which would mean the Dems would have little or no Independent support whatsoever.
9. Immigration GOP favored by 8% 43% - 35%. GOP can increase this margin with a comprehensive plan that foccusses on legal immigration.
10. Govt. Ethics/Trust Democrats favored by 3% 34% - 31%This is the crux, this is why the Dems do as well as they do in some of these issues.

It isn't that the country ian't willing to listen to the message, they haven't come to a place where they trust the GOP to actualize their verbiage. Those issues are: a. Health Care b. Education c. Social Security (this to a lesser degree. I think Americans remember the GOP push to over-haul SSI and the Democrats insistence that the trust fund was "fine". I think as we deminish the reticence to trust the GOP, all of these issues will become more of a GOP brand than the Democrats.

All of this to say the American people are looking to the GOP for answers in the current political environment- but they remember the Republicans who forgot who they were last time they were the majority. They repudiate Libertarianism and Liberalism, but they arent sure the GOP will stand on their Conservative principles.

This is our challenge as a national party, and should be our mission on local levels.

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